
Doubts about adultery within a relationship cause a feeling of insecurity and unrest. A partner who can often not be reached or is absent, who shields the mobile phone or computer screen or behaves differently may cause this feeling of unrest. Shetect can give clarity in case of doubts about infidelity.
We are experienced and do our work discreetly and diligently. Shetect can observe and follow the partner unseen, with or without the use of technical aids. We shall collect evidence like photos and/ or videos and record everything in a report. Whatever the findings of the investigations are, clarity will be given as well as an answer to the questions dealt with in the investigation. If the suspicions appear to be incorrect, the relationship can be continued with a positive feeling.
Feel free to get in touch with us to ask questions or request an intake interview, without obligation, via the chat, telephone, e-mail or contact form.